Retrospective and emergent narratives of embodied experiences

Scientific article in Fysioterapeuten 3/2013

Aud Marie Øien, Fysioterapeut, Ph.D. Førsteamanuensis ved Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane, Avdeling for samfunnsfag. Epost:


Introduction: The article explores how narrative knowledge can facilitate change from being detached from to be in touch with the body, based on a study of long-term Norwegian psychomotor physiotherapy for patients with chronic muscular pain.     

Main part: Mattingly’s concept «emergent narrative» was applied to identify how ongoing treatment situations can emerge as potential moments of change. «Emergent narratives» indicate knowledge of the process of becoming in touch with the body.  Retrospective narratives seemed to grasp experiences that indicated if/how development of symptoms was  intervowen in daily life activities, as well as experiences of change of movements and breath over time.

Conclusion: The study indicated that emergent narratives point to potential moments of change and seem to be a useful supplement in physiotherapy.  

Key words: narratives, experiences, change   

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