Body image disturbances in female patients with serious eating disorders

Scientific article in Fysioterapeuten 6/3013

Marit Danielsen, MSc og spesialist i psykomotorisk fysioterapi, NFF. Psykiatrisk klinikk, Sykehuset Levanger. Regionalt kompetansesenter for spiseforstyrrelser, Helse Nord-Trøndelag. Epost  

Grete H. Bratberg, Forskningsrådgiver, dr.philos, FoU-avdelingen Sykehuset Levanger, Helse Nord-Trøndelag. Førsteamanuensis II, Institutt for samfunnsmedisin, NTNU, Trondheim.



Aim: Body image disturbances are associated with eating disorders to a large extent. The aim of this study was to compare body image disturbances between patients with anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN) and eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS). 

Method: A Norwegian sample of 122 female patients admitted to two specialized units was included in the study. There were 61 (50%) patients with AN, 31 (25%) with BN and 30 (25%) with EDNOS. At admission patients fill out the Body Attitude Test (BAT). BAT is a self-report form capturing different body image dimensions.

Results: A majority of the patients reported severe body image disturbances. The extent of the problems in means did not differ between the diagnostic groups, neither on total score nor subscales on BAT, but there was great variation in distribution within the diagnostic groups.

Conclusion: As the extent of body image disturbances vary more in than between diagnostic groups, it is important in the clinical practice to have more focus on individual differences and needs than on diagnoses.

Keywords: Body image disturbance, eating disorders, anoreksia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, EDNOS

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