Norway’s main physiotherapy journal

"Tidsskriftet Fysioterapeuten", first established in 1934, is a physiotherapy journal published by the Norwegian Physiotherapist Association.

"Tidsskriftet Fysioterapeuten" is a peer-review physiotherapy journal published both online and on print. 

The printed issues comes out five times a year with a circulation of 9,200 copies per issue,  distributed mainly to physiotherapists and students who are members of the association. Copies are also distributed to libraries, institutions and health authorities.

The journal contains news, scientific articles, feature stories and interviews from the world of physiotherapy and related areas.

One of five the printed issues is dedicated fully to scientific articles.

Since 2002 a full text version of the journal has been freely available on our website:

All scientific articles from the journal are being published and indexed on our website.

Open-accessed journal

Tidsskriftet Fysioterapeuten is an open-accessed journal accepted in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), which means that all scientific content is free of charge, and will be published on our website

Publication language is mainly Norwegian, with an English summary published online for all scientific articles. 

The Journal follows the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). 

AMED, PEDro and SveMed+

The journal's scientific articles are peer reviewed and indexed in the databases AMEDPEDro and SveMed+. We also allow articles in English, Swedish and Danish. All peer reviewed articles have an English abstract and title.

"Tidsskriftet Fysioterapeuten" is distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Lisence (CC BY-NC 4.0), which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. This license applies only to our published scientific articles. 

The respective authors of the scientific articles own their work published and presented in "Tidsskriftet Fysioterapeuten". 

The journal and its website is also Norway’s largest advertising arena for physiotherapists. That applies to physiotherapy products, job vacancies, meetings and conferences.

Editor-in-chief is Mr. John Henry Strupstad.

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